October 12, 2022 7:00 PM

JC Religious E. Webinar


Carolina Skemas

Product Specialist


Paula Finnegan

Author of Science Bank of Questions

In This Webinar:

The webinar with Paula Finnegan, author of our Religious Education was a great success. We reached a record of attendees! The engagement of the audience was also fantastic.

Paula teaches at Coláiste Bríde, Dublin. She has taught as an exam and non-exam subject at both Junior and Senior Cycle and she also trains teachers at Maynooth University. Also, a JCT Associate delivering in-service training on the new Junior Cycle Religious Education course.

Paula was previously a local facilitator for the PDST and chief advising examiner of Religious Education for the SEC.

The content is built around three inter-connected strands: Expressing beliefs, Exploring questions, and Living our Values. Underpinned by a set of cross-cutting elements: Enquiry, Exploration, and Reflection and Action. These three elements describe both a set of skills and an approach to learning. They are embedded in the content of 30 topics.